Practice makes perfect : Revision tips for GCSE students

GCSE exams are tough but not something so hard to achieve. All you need is the right guidance to achieve your best. While a private GCSE tutor can be a great option, there are also many steps you can take yourself to prepare for your exams. 

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As someone who did GCSE exams, these are a few of the tips that could help you achieve the grades you want:

  • Take time to understand the theory of the subjects you´re studying through regular and organised revision.
  • Organise your work and have a study plan. Make sure you don´t leave everything to the last minute as this will mean added pressure and anxiety around exam time.
  • Take frequent breaks during your study sessions.
  • Between studying, make sure you engage in activities that allow you to relax and unwind, so you can give your mind a break.
  • Ensure you get a good amount of sleep before exams to ensure you go in feeling refreshed and ready.
  • Have a clear understanding of the exam format and time for each paper. You can achieve this from doing practising past papers before your exam in timed conditions.
  • Prepare a mark sheet to enter marks of each time you´ve done a mock exam or past paper so that you can keep track of your progress.
  • Always refer to the mark scheme and aim to match the mark scheme answers in each try.
  • Always read the exam questions carefully and numerous times before answering to ensure you understand fully.
  • Answer the questions that you feel comfortable with first, and then you can go back to the more difficult questions.
  • Try to ensure clear handwriting in your exams. Don´t rush so much that your writing is illegible.

Always remember each one of you has different capacities, hence your approach can be different and can be customised. 

I offer help and private GCSE tuition to all students for biology, physics, chemistry and mathematics. Feel free to contact me if you require help or guidance in your studies.

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