Easily learn the periodic table


Are you having problems with your chemistry lessons? Are you having difficulty learning the periodic table of elements? Are you unsatisfied and looking for private tuition to reinforce your knowledge? Go for private tuition! You will get the after-school tuition you need in chemistry.

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If you see that your grades are not as good as you would like them to be, by working with a private tutor who gives you quality science lessons, you will be able to face any exam or test. Private lessons, whether they are face-to-face classes or not, will allow you to become a star student.

Online chemistry classes

What methods can I use to correctly learn the periodic table?

At first, the periodic table of elements may seem huge, complex and intimidating. So many numbers, letters and names make you dizzy, but you should never give up too soon. Getting to grips with it is essential when you want to learn chemistry - you're closer to them than you might think!

There are a number of methods that you, or perhaps your children, can use to memorise the table, even in fun ways. There are several methods and you can try the one that suits you best. One simple way to approach the periodic table is by using tricks such as association through simple sentences. You can link the name of an element to a sentence, story or other piece of information, or simply use it to spell out a word.

Another method you can use in your private chemistry tuition is to write down a list of the elements you want to learn several times. It is good to start in groups and repeat them out loud or make flashcards to support you. You can also associate each element with a picture or even songs.

How many elements of the periodic table are there?

In 1869, the Russian chemist Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev presented to the world what would become known as the first version of the periodic table, which included the first 60 elements known at the time.

Today, the periodic table has evolved to include 118 chemical elements in total. It is surprising to see how they have almost doubled, but that is not the most incredible thing of all: of those 118 elements, 90 of them are enough to make up the entire known universe.

Almost 97% of the human body is made up of just six chemical elements: oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, calcium and phosphorus. But, of course, these are not the only ones, as we are known to be made up of almost 60 different elements. The rest of the elements that we have not mentioned make up less than 0.25% of the total. For some, such as copper, arsenic, zinc, silicon, lead, cobalt and lithium, their purpose within the body is still unknown.

Maybe this sounds too complicated for you, but dare to discover that it really isn't! You have all the necessary skills to not only handle the data, but to know how to use it and link it to the world. By taking private tuition with a chemistry tutor, you will make steady progress. Why not give it a try?

What can the periodic table do for us?

In very few words, this table graphically represents the distribution of the chemical elements, in order, taking into account their atomic number, their chemical properties and the composition of their electrons. It is a summary that allows us to get a comfortable approximation.

In short, the periodic table provides us with an essential basis for tackling the world of chemistry and science. It will make our work with the elements much simpler and more concise, making it the master key to the universe of science and chemistry.

The language of the table is universal, so it allows all people in the world of science to understand each other. By taking science classes you will be able to study its composition in depth and see what its uses are. A good tutor will not only handle this table backwards and forwards, but will be able to convey its content in the best possible way.

Where can I find chemistry tutors?

Thanks to the internet, we have a huge number of places where we can find a tutor. Several tuition centers and institutes offer specialised courses or private tuition on their websites. Some offer online tuition or share their lessons in full on platforms such as YouTube. Also, you could consider accompanying your studies with a pre-university course that prepares you with a general overview of chemistry.

Of course, there are several portals where tutors offer their classes. On FindTutors you can find chemistry tutors who offer you face-to-face classes or online chemistry tuition - it's the perfect opportunity! Why not go for it? All you need is enthusiasm and you will soon have mastered the periodic table.

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