• How to find physics and chemistry tutor...

How to find physics and chemistry tutors


The subjects that fail the most at school are still science, in fact thousands of students every year look for an online physics or chemistry tutor. Fortunately, there are many who end up passing thanks to them.

There is something, difficult to detect, that makes these subjects a difficult wall to overcome. It is perfectly normal for a student to have these difficulties, and the best thing to do is to invest in passing science.

Find a tutor

Physics and chemistry are very important subjects and can even be exciting. But you have to find someone who can explain them well, patiently and passionately. If we don't find it at school, we will have to look for it outside.

Finding an online physics tutor is a bit complex, especially given the number of tutors on the internet. But if you follow a few tips, it can be quick and easy:

  • Be clear about what you are looking for: It is not enough to know what a chemistry tutor or a physics tutor is, we need to know what the student needs. For example, to concentrate better when trying to solve problems. If we look for concrete solutions to concrete problems, our results will be more objective.
  • Use our search engine: Start with a specialised private tuition portal where you can find online physics and chemistry tutors. Filter by speciality and by location, try to narrow your search as much as possible.
  • Read well: Don't contact without reading, try to narrow down your selection as much as possible. Make a shortlist of 10 candidates first, study each profile well and select the two best ones.
  • Be honest when making contact: When contacting someone, be honest. Don't withhold information and state the case you are concerned about in detail.
  • Pre-interview: Before the first class, try to have a pre-interview, if possible in person, but if not, do it by phone or video-call.

What to look for in a science tutor

There are many places to find a tutor for physics and chemistry. This is one of the most popular profiles on the platform because teaching is a good combination with scientific research.

Some tutors who give private tuition in physics are a real luxury, true working professionals who every day make science progress and who also pass on their knowledge. The first thing we have to do to find a good science tutor is to change our mindset and not just try to do enough to pass an exam. With this change of mentality, you will not only end up passing the exam, you might even find your vocation.

  • Education: It is important that what you have studied has to do with science. Normally it is enough to have studied higher education in science, if you have done it in the right way. But if you are looking for someone who has studied science, all the better.

  • Passion for science: We have to look for someone who has a real vocation for science. Knowledge in this type of subject goes far beyond textbooks, and sometimes understanding a particular topic requires a lot of context. If you don't have a love for the subject, you will hardly be able to do your job well.
  • They must know how to teach: No matter how much knowledge they have, if your tutor does not know how to teach, they’re not a good tutor. They must have patience and empathy, and this can be seen from the first contact you have with them. For this reason, it is necessary to have a conversation before the first private tuition in physics and to be able to talk openly about all concerns and queries.

We can see these three characteristics when we see the advert on the internet, but if not, we have to be able to look for them as we get to know the online physics and chemistry tutor. Try to be objective, but at the same time trust your instincts. There are indicators that show who has these qualities and who doesn't, but experience is the best indicator.

Educating in science

Not being able to pass physics and chemistry is a symptom that something is wrong in the way you're learning the subjects. It could be many things, but experts say that there is an underlying reason that if we manage to fix, everything will be much easier: lack of interest.

Educating in science is everyone's job, not just the tutors' - you don't have to be a scientist to do it. Everyone can learn science and, above all, have the values that science always defends in order to progress as a person.

To be always in search of knowledge, to contrast information in your private tuition in physics, to be sceptical and to try to check everything for ourselves. These are fundamental values for life and, above all, for good academic results.

If we encourage scientific curiosity, we are a long way down the road. A student interested in the subject is a guarantee of success. If, on the other hand, the student doesn't see the sense in what they're studying and is not interested, no matter their ability, everything will be much more difficult.

Find a chemistry tutor

How can I get my child interested in science?

The first thing we need to do is to have a good relationship with their physics and chemistry tutor and work together to stimulate their curiosity.

  • Activities: Try science activities such as going to science museums or watching educational programmes together. You can even consider having their tutors join in these activities.
  • No condescension: Sometimes we adapt our speech to our children so much that we can treat them as if they were dumb, you'd be surprised how much they can understand. In this respect, tutors have a lot to teach parents.
  • Creative classes: This is one of the things you should look for and maybe even participate in. You can talk to their online physics tutor and, for example, once a month have a class that deals with curiosities for learning physics or doing chemistry experiments.

Whichever tutor you look for, try to team up with them. Bring up these kinds of activities from the first time you talk to them. The fact that they are open to this kind of thing is a good sign and helps to turn what may be problems now into opportunities in the future.

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