What is the best way to learn a foreign language?


Learning a new language can be both exciting and challenging. But when it comes to language lessons, what's the best way to learn: Should I follow traditional grammar classes or try conversational ones? That's where everyone gets confused, and to answer this question we are going to break it down step by step.

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Can you learn a language exclusively through regular conversation?

Yes, you can definitely learn a language through regular conversation. In fact, many language learners believe that conversation is the most effective way to learn a new language. When you have conversations with native speakers, you're able to practice using the language in real-life situations, which helps you improve your speaking and listening skills at the same time. However, it's important to keep in mind that conversation alone may not be enough to learn a new language. You may need to study grammar and vocabulary to build a solid foundation.

 Look at it this way:

After babies are born, they have no reference language. They learn their first language through conversations between their parents and the people around them. They will start by memorising words, then use sentences that they heard before they start learning letters and how to write. They will know when something sounds wrong but they wouldn't know why it sounds wrong until they start going to school and start learning the annoying part of the language (grammar, conjugation, and vocabulary).

How much importance should we give to grammar?

Whether we like it or not grammar is an important aspect of language learning but how important can it be? If it is that important, why wasn't it effective since it is what we call the traditional way of teaching languages?

Well... It helps you understand how the language works and enables you to communicate effectively. While conversation is important, it's equally important to have a good understanding of grammar.

But focusing solely on grammar can be tedious and overwhelming and boring. It's important to find a balance between grammar and conversation practice. Grammar lessons can help you build a solid foundation, but regular conversation practice can help you apply what you've learned in real-life situations.

What's the best way to learn a foreign language?

The best way to learn a foreign language, in fact, depends on your learning style and goals. Some people may prefer traditional classroom settings, while others may prefer self-study or immersion programs.

Ultimately, the most effective way to learn a new language is by combining various methods. Grammar lessons can provide a solid foundation -and with the right teacher- they can be fun, while conversation practice can help you apply what you've learned in real-life situations. Immersion programs can help you become more fluent and comfortable with the language and speak like a native which is the ultimate goal in most cases.

In conclusion, conversation and grammar classes go hand in hand to learn a new language in an effective way and in a shorter time. It's also important to find a balance between the two and combine various methods to find what works best for you.

I hope this helps you find your way to your goal. 

If you need French lessons or English lessons, I am a private tutor offering private language lessons. Don´t hesitate to reach out if you´re interested in learning a new language.

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