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Chemistry Lessons Verified Tutor Verified Tutor
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Reviews from Murray's students: Reviews from Murray's students:
Tutored my daughter for 2 months in out of class maths help.
Tutored my daughter for 2 months in out of class maths help.
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Friendly and likeable tutor enthusiastic for all things STEM!

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My name is Murray. I am a current A-level student taking Maths, Economics and chemistry. I am a dedicated and friendly tutor who can tutor up to GCSE. I have been a classroom assistant at Bourne Academy for 3 months, gaining very useful experience assisting students. In my GCSE’s I achieved all A*’s and A’s, including a top 2% grade in the UK for GCSE business studies. The subjects I am able to offer at GCSE are Chemistry, Maths, Physics and Business studies.
1 reviews from Murray's current and former students
Eliza Rowe
Tutored my daughter for 2 months in out of class maths help.
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