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I teach A/S and A Level History & Sociology and specialise in A-Level revision and exam techniques

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I Have a 2:1 joint honours degree in History and Sociology and a Masters degree and PhD in Sociology. For the past twenty-three years I have taught Sociology and Psychology modules at the universities in the UK, New Zealand and ROI and for the past five years at a University in the North- East. Since moving to the North-East, I have also taught A-Level History students privately and have a 93% success rate in terms of the students attaining a Level 5 or Level 4 grade in their A-Level History exam and I am currently an AQA Examiner. I have vast experience in the design and delivery of online educational materials and specialise in providing 16–19-year-old students with the skills and knowledge to make the transition from pedagogy (child-centred learning) to andragogy (adult-centred learning) so that they are more proactive and independent learners and can make the transition to HE. No matter how academically able a student is, research (Bacchus et, al. 2020) has identified that, after 40 minutes a student's concentration wanes (particularly when studying online) and they do not retain a critical understanding of the material being covered. To address this, I breakdown the 1-hour sessions into 15-minute segments, interspersed with self-directed activities and quizzes for the students, linked to the Learning objectives A01,A02,A03 and for 'homework' I get the student to complete a session 'Reflective Diary' identifying how each session achieves these Learning Objectives, to build up a repository of the student's critical analytical skills. This is all underpinned by extensive specialist knowledge of the subject areas of A level History and Sociology especially the AQA curricula.
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