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Leah Rachel
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Town/city/borough Belfast
A Level Lessons
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A Level Government and Politics Tutoring from PhD candidate and researcher

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Due to my academic background and professional expeirence, I can enhance your knowledge and understanding of the Government and Politics curriculum, including UK Government, comparative study with the US and Ireland, devolution, and political theory, and support your understanding with real world examples.

I am a PhD candidate in the areas of constitutional and international human rights law and associated parliamentary procedure at the School of Law of Ulster University.
I hold a Masters degree with Distinction in Violence, Terrorism and Security, a Masters degree with Distinction in Conflict Transformation and Social Justice, and an Honours Law degree. I have AFHEA status and have worked as a Teaching Assistant since September 2021: I delivered seminars in UG Political Theory and Ideology from September 2021 to May 2023 at Ulster University and am working as a Tutor in Law at Queen's University Belfast (since September 2023).

I have strong professional experience in research, including parliamentary, policy, and legal monitoring, including at the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission and within a public affairs agency.

I will provide support in approaching exam questions, particularly in how to include relevant examples and critical thinking to boost your exam performance.
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