What are the differences between Spanish from Spain and Spanish from Latin America?

Alice 2 answers
Can you give us some examples of the differences? Is it just the accent that changes? Have a nice day!
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Mainly pronunciation and some local words, which depend on the place where you are. Just like English English and American English
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Maria Webster
Verified Tutor
Letter pronunciation not only between Spain and Latin America but also within Spain itself. Ex: letters s,c and z. Different pronouns are also used (tú, vos, ustedes) and therefore there is a slight difference in the conjugation of verbs. Some countries in Latin America combine one pronoun with the conjugation of another like it happens in Uruguay where they use the pronoun ‘tú’ but the verb will be conjugated as a ‘vos’. Also different words for similar things like it would happen in American and British English for instance. Intonation and accents also vary.
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