• Top tips for beginner guitar students

Top tips for beginner guitar students


The dream of many people is to play the guitar one day. Next to languages, it’s the most in-demand subject in the world of private tuition - which means that there is a host of opportunities to take guitar classes.

No matter how old you are, it is never too late to learn to play the guitar. Besides, going back to being a beginner and student is always a very enriching experience

The most important thing when learning to play the guitar is determination and perseverance. The rest doesn't matter, even if you're not very good at it at first, everyone can become a great guitarist. 

Tips for learning to play the guitar

The road to becoming a good guitarist is sometimes not an easy one. We will need tips, tricks and materials to master this instrument. Each person is different, but there are some tips that will work for everyone:

  • You have to be consistent: To learn to play the guitar, you have to have a routine. You have to dedicate a number of hours a week to it, and if you can spread them out over every day, all the better.
  • Company: It is much better to go this way accompanied. This does not just mean having a good guitar tutor by your side, it is also better if you have a friend to learn with at the same time.

  • Play what you like: A good guitarist should be able to play everything, but always start with what motivates you the most. Give priority to your tastes and have fun in every lesson.
  • Broaden your tastes: Listen to more music and you will learn a lot more. Besides, it's not always what you like best that you're best at playing - who knows where your talent might lie?

Everyone follows a different path when it comes to learning to play any instrument. So take it slow and steady, don't despair and listen to every piece of advice you are given. If you don't give up, you will be a great guitarist.

Start guitar lessons

How to choose my first guitar?

When someone starts playing the guitar, one of the first things they want to do is to buy the instrument. So if you’re eager to get going to the music shop, here are a few tips beforehand:

  • Don't spend too much money: Your first guitar is usually not the definitive one. After a year or two, you will probably want to buy one that is much more suited to your playing style. Invest first in something simple, comfortable and cheap.
  • A guitar that you like: Start by playing a guitar that is of the type of music you like and want to play. It is also important that it looks aesthetically pleasing to you, that will motivate you a bit.
  • Buying a second-hand guitar? Many people think it's a good option because it's cheap. The truth is that if you don't know much about guitars, you can end up with something of very poor quality. Starter packs from some brands are much cheaper options.

If you go to an instrument shop, you will probably be given a choice of many options and types of guitars. Some are easier to play than others, but the most important thing is that you are clear about what you want to play.

Types of guitars

  • Classical guitar/Spanish guitar/Creole guitar: The strings are made of nylon and therefore softer. It is without doubt the easiest guitar to play for beginners. Much more comfortable and less painful. The styles that can be played are much more classical, although any acoustic can be played.
  • Acoustic: The strings are made of metal and are much more painful to play, while the sound it emits is more metallic and clearer. The style of the acoustic guitar is much more modern and current and is typically used in pop songs.
  • Electric: You have to plug them into an amplifier, which makes the electric guitar the more expensive choice and also means you can't practice just anywhere. It's not the best for beginners, but if you want to play rock, punk or any other more metallic style, it's the only alternative.

Choosing a good guitar tutor for beginners

Learning to play the guitar on your own is possible, but it is not recommended. The vast majority of people who start studying on their own don't end up learning well.

However, a good guitar tutor can accompany you from start to finish. A good guitar tutor should have the following qualities:

  • Patience: a tutor must repeat the same lesson over and over again and understand that some students are worse at it than others. So patience is a must for a tutor of any instrument.
  • It adapts to your interests: there are tutors who only teach one style of music. That can be great for when you've been there for a while, and you've made up your mind. But at the beginning, a tutor should adapt to all the things you want to play.
  • Inspires and motivates you: there may be times when you are not good at making progress. That is when a tutor should motivate you to continue, and above all should give you reasons and inspire you in your creative process.
  • Technical and practical knowledge: They must be able to transmit everything he/she knows about playing the guitar. A good tutor must have a very internalised knowledge in order to transmit it at the right moment.


To find a good guitar tutor, you need to be persistent. Sometimes you don't find the best one the first time, or they just teach you the basics and then fall short, but in the end you will find the one who will make you a great guitarist.

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