How do I learn how to play the guitar?


When beginning guitar lessons, a student usually approaches their tutor with a number of doubts and questions. When we start learning the guitar or another instrument, we are usually filled with a lot of confusion.

When will we learn our first song? When will we be able to play the guitar in public? Will I be able to sing and play at the same time? When will I have completely mastered the instrument? How much time will I have to dedicate to it? Am I too old to learn?

Frequently asked questions revolve around when and how. The answer that every tutor will give you will always be the same: you have to be patient. With practice and consistency, we won't have any problems.

But if you want to solve these doubts, we have advice that can help you, for learning the guitar or any instrument. And above all, we will help you to find the guitar lessons that suit you best.

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Where do I start?

Usually those who decide to take guitar lessons have already taken the first step. Either they have a guitar that they have never dared to play or they are about to buy one. 

There are people who, when they decide they want to learn the guitar, borrow one instead of buying one, as they have doubts on whether they´ll keep it up. As an idea it isn't bad, but if we make a small investment in our own guitar at the beginning, maybe it will force us to learn a little more.

Nowadays technology allows us to learn to play any instrument, no matter what level it is, and a beginner has the potential to reach an advanced level in a short time.

To buy a guitar, the best thing to do is to go to a music shop and ask an expert for help. A guitar for beginners is not the same as a guitar for professionals. Even if you don't believe it and they all look the same, there are many types of guitars.

  • Classical guitar
  • Flamenco guitar
  • Acoustic guitar
  • Archtop guitar
  • Electric guitar

These are just some of the types that exist and each of them is for a different style of music. Learning to play the electric guitar is not the same as learning to play the Flamenco guitar.

That's why if you are going to buy your first guitar, the best thing to do is to ask a professional for advice. If you don't want to invest a lot of money to begin with, you can find very cheap guitars for beginners on the internet.

Tutors, music school or self-taught?

Once we have the guitar in our hands, we have no choice but to learn how to play it. It is important that we reserve a space for practising. But it is also very important that we find someone to guide us on the way, who can teach us how to play it.

We have three options:

  • Learn on our own
  • Join a specialised music school
  • Hire a private guitar tutor

Each of the options has its advantages and disadvantages, but it all depends on the objectives we have.

It is possible, now more than ever, to become a self-taught guitarist. There are very complete books and guides with which it is easy to master the instrument, but with the internet and especially with Youtube, it is much more accessible.

Nowadays it is easier than ever to learn to play the guitar quickly without much help. The problem is that you may not learn in the best way. You may fall short with some things and we may never truly learn how to play the guitar well.

If you want to become a quasi-professional guitarist, the best option is a music school as you will learn to play in a very similar way to a conservatory. You can end up mastering all kinds of techniques, even the most difficult ones. If you want to become a real guitarist, this may be the best option. 

Private tutors are the most popular option for guitar students, as they can find a tutor who specialises in the style of guitar they want to play, and who meets their objectives.

If you want to become skilled on the guitar and learn to play the songs you like, but learning soflège or reading music isn´t so important to you, a private tutor is likely the best option for you.

How long does it take to master the guitar? 

It all depends on how much time you dedicate to it and factors such as your age. It is not the same to learn to play the guitar when you are a child as it is when you are an adult.

Questions related to timing are the most common. We want to see the first results as soon as possible and if we do the right thing, there is potential. There is no magic formula. If you maintain consistency with learning and practising, your timeline could look a little like the following.

  • Four to six weeks: After this time you should be able to play some guitar chords without problems. And if they are easy chords you can play simple songs and maybe even play with some fluency. 
  • Six months to a year: This is the time it takes to be able to play the guitar with great fluency, even if many people can tell that you are a beginner. But you will be able to play many easy guitar songs that will serve as accompaniment while others sing along. You'll be a hit at barbecues and parties.
  • One to three years: This is the time that separates a beginner from an intermediate guitarist. After the first year you will have mastered chord changes to perfection and will begin to understand how to play the guitar. 

How to learn to play the guitar faster

Nowadays we have many learning options at our disposal that can make learning the guitar much easier. There are still very useful guitar books, but apps have been replacing them.

There are many tools that make learning to play the guitar faster and easier. We will have technology on our side to make everything easier. Getting to play the guitar with your mobile by your side is the best thing you can do.

  • Apps: Even the pros have apps on their phones to help them play guitar. From those for tuning the guitar to audio editors for quick musical arrangements. But if you are learning, you will find apps that can teach you the chords to play and can tell you if you are playing them right or not.
  • Online tuition: There are online tutors who give private tuition that are just as effective as any other tutor who gives face-to-face classes.
  • Online manuals: Just like the traditional manuals but on the internet. These can serve as a support because you can hire the ones you already have. You no longer need to buy several because they are all free on the internet.
  • Video courses: There are many courses on Youtube or other platforms, they may not be of the same quality as face-to-face classes, but they can teach you many things that complement your classes. 
  • Youtubers: Once you have mastered a few chords, Youtube is a great ally. There you will find tutorials of all the songs you want to learn and you will be able to apply what you have learnt to the songs you like the most.


These are just some of the doubts that you usually have when you start playing the guitar. Like any artistic expression, we want to master the technique as soon as possible to start enjoying the instrument and expressing ourselves in the form of music.

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