How to learn Spanish


Tips for speaking Spanish like a pro

As one of the most widely used languages on the planet, the second most widely used to be precise, Castilian Spanish is very popular and now has over 580 million speakers worldwide. But what is it about this language that interests us so much? And how can you master it? This article will tell you everything you need to know about how you can learn Spanish.

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Why speak Spanish?

One of the main reasons learning Spanish is so beneficial, is the popularity of the language and the number of countries where it is the main language spoken. If you're travelling abroad to a country in Latin America or to Spain, you´ll need to have a way to communicate. That's why it's so important to understand and master this language.

Spanish is an extraordinary language, with an interesting history and rich vocabulary with words stemming from both Latin and Arabic. Spanish has been attracting more and more attention in the past number of years, namely due to the success of Latin music, as well as a number of series on Netflix including Elite and Money Heist. The pronunciation, the words, the intonation and even the formation of sentences exude passion and sensuality. 

It should also be noted that the Spanish language is not very complicated in comparison to most, and is even easier if you´ve already mastered one of the Romance languages or have a basic knowledge of Latin or Arabic, as you can see many similarities in words between these languages and Spanish. In short, Spanish is one of the easiest languages to master, which further encourages people to choose it as their preferred foreign language.

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How can I learn Spanish?

Ways of learning Spanish

Like all languages, Castilian Spanish can be learned in a variety of ways. You can start learning in school, university, in an external training course or with private Spanish tuition. The choice of learning methods will depend on the individual. Some people decide to study Spanish during school, while others find it more effective to take an external short or long course in the language, according to their learning needs.

It's worth noting, however, that in private lessons and courses, the study of a language is often much more in-depth than it is at school. In fact, learning a language in school generally only allows you to acquire the basics.

For more in-depth study, you can opt for private tuition and specialised courses. The cost of these courses can vary depending on the length of the course and the level required. With a Spanish tutor, it's easy to make progress.

Learning Spanish quickly and effectively

Here are some simple tips you can use to help you master the Spanish language in the easiest way possible:

  • Learn the everyday phrases. As much as possible, try to translate and write down the Spanish expressions you come across in everyday life, and when you have some time, revise them and use them in conversation to ensure you remember them.
  • Take a Spanish course. With a Spanish course, you can quickly reach a decent level of Spanish, enough to hold a conversation. It's even better if you take a Spanish course in a Spanish-speaking country so that you can immerse yourself in the language and put into practice what you´ve learned during your classes.
  • Listen to music in Spanish. Listening to music in Spanish is a great way to acquire new phrases and expressions to enrich your vocabulary. The melody of the songs also makes it easier to remember the vocabulary you´ve learned. 
  • Watch series and films in Spanish. Watching series in Spanish is a great way to learn new phrases and vocabulary, and to improve your listening skills. Listen to and analyse conversations and pronunciation and you can be sure that in no time you'll know everything there is to know about the subject. There are many great series and films on Netflix. If you´re a beginner, you can add Spanish subtitles to ensure you´ve caught every word in the conversation. If you strapped for time, you could always try to watch YouTube videos, TikToks or Instagram videos in Spanish for some daily practice. 

  • Rub shoulders with Spanish-speakers. Speaking with native Spanish speakers is a great way to practise and improve your language skills. You can search to see if there are any language exchanges happening in your area, or when you travel to a Spanish-speaking country, try your best to interact with the locals as much as you can. 
  • Read in Spanish. Reading is the best way to master a language, and at the same time you'll expand your vocabulary and improve your spelling. If you´re a beginner in a language, you can find simple books that you´re already somewhat familiar with. For example, you could try reading the Spanish versions of the Harry Potter books. 
  • Catch up on the news in Spanish. When learning Spanish, it's also a good idea to stay up-to-date on current affairs in the Spanish-speaking world, so that you can both practise the language and understand the context of some of the content you´re studying. You could read articles on news sites, listen to podcasts or listen to the radio to stay updated. 
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