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Verified Tutor Verified Tutor
1 reviews
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Town/city/borough Jarrow, Jarrow, Boldon Colliery
Chemistry Lessons Verified Tutor Verified Tutor
1 reviews
verified Verified data time 1 year teaching experience
Reviews from Anbu's students: Reviews from Anbu's students:
Dr. Anbu Sellamuthu Kooduthurai is an exceptional chemistry teacher, under whose guidance I had a rewarding educational journey. Throughout my tenure with him, he adeptly imparted knowledge in fundam...
Dr. Anbu Sellamuthu Kooduthurai is an exceptional chemistry teacher, under whose guidance I had a rewarding educational...
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First class free
£10 extra for travel
Usually teaches classes in
Boldon Colliery
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Secondary school
University students
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Throughout my academic journey, I have been fortunate to accumulate substantial experience in teaching at the higher education level. My roles as a full-time chemistry teacher, lecturer, personal tutor, research supervisor, PG demonstrator, and analytical

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I will provide tailored, one-on-one Chemistry tutoring, adapting to each student's learning style, offering regular feedback, real-world applications, and motivation for academic success.
1 reviews from Anbu's current and former students
Ramakrishnan Shanmugan
Dr. Anbu Sellamuthu Kooduthurai is an exceptional chemistry teacher, under whose guidance I had a rewarding educational journey. Throughout my tenure with him, he adeptly imparted knowledge in fundamental inorganic chemistry and honed my skills in various analytical techniques such as Gas and Mass Chromatography, NMR, and High-Performance Liquid Chromatography. I am delighted to provide feedback about him, reflecting not only on his profound expertise in the field but also on his ability to simplify and convey intricate chemical concepts with clarity and precision. His amicable and supportive teaching style fosters a conducive learning environment, making the educational process both enlightening and enjoyable.
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