Where is the most correct Spanish spoken in the world?

Sandhya 4 answers
I would like to do an Erasmus project and I can also choose universities outside Europe. Since my goal is to learn Spanish well, I would like to know which country to choose to learn the most correct version. Thank you for your suggestions
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Pilar Romero
In Spain the most correct Spanish is standard Castilian (spoken in Madrid, Castilla y León, Castilla and La Marcha). In Latin America you will find the most correct Spanish in Peru.
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Arantxa Zozaya
Verified Tutor
Hello! According to some experts the provinces of Valladolid, Palencia and Burgos, including Alava (Basque Country) habe the most standard language in Spain. https://cadenaser.com/ser/2008/11/09/cultura/1226189828_850215.html Although, I would say that there's no correct or incorrect spoken version of Spanish. Best wishes!
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Hi Sandhya! That’s an amazing opportunity to get involved with the culture and improve your language skills. Spanish, as well as English, is a very diverse language and might not be a “correct” version. It is the same than American vs British English debate. I recommend you to consider other cultural factors that you believe will encourage you to learn Spanish. Also, consider the ultimate goal of learning the language. For example, are you planning to work in a Spaniard market or Latin American? However, try to compare accents and common expressions to see which one you’re more comfortable with. I hope you all the best with your goals!!
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