How can I read music easily?

Elliot 4 answers
How can I read piano music easily? I feel that I have a very bad memory and I am struggling to read the music :(
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Reading music could be very easy and interesting when you get the best tutor who is patient.
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Hello Leia. I think it will help a great deal if you learn the basics of music theory and sight reading.
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I have been playing the piano for 10 years and when I started I found it very difficult to read music. I now find it easier due to many hours of practice. I think the best way to get better at reading piano music is to do sight-reading and just practice reading music and playing pieces more. A bad memory does not stop you from reading music.
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HiStart at the very basics. Mark your piano from left to right with all of the notes, C-C start playing from a beginners book avoiding black notes, it’s very important your placement is correct from the very begging, music books usually show you with a number of your finger on the note. Learn this early and try to play for even 20 minutes a day. Best of luck
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