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Reviews from Amrit's students: Reviews from Amrit's students:
Amrit is very good at what she does, this is evidenced by her amazing grades. I loved how transparent she was with my daughter regarding her academic failures, like how she went from a D to an A* in...
Amrit is very good at what she does, this is evidenced by her amazing grades. I loved how transparent she was with my d...
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1st class LLB Law with Sociology, High Merit Law Masters UCL graduate, specialising in socio-legal studies. Achieved an A* at Sociology A-Level and the highest mark out of the 60 students in my cohort!

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I have extensive knowledge in sociology as I have completed a Law with Sociology LLB degree and specialised in socio-legal research and studies for my Masters. I also currently conduct socio-legal research in my role as head of research of a charity.

I also achieved an A* at Sociology A-Level and the highest mark out of the 60 students in my cohort, after being given a D in my Year 12 mocks. What changed in Year 13 was the way went about revising — rather than making pretty mind maps and notes I focused my time and attention on essay question based revision. This is what I like to call working smarter, not harder with students I tutor and mentor. I possess a highly adaptable teaching style in which I incorporate different approaches to teaching from one individual to another to suit their needs and cater towards their learning style.

I have spent 7 years doing various tutoring roles including subjects such as sociology, law and politics and also have experience in early learning tutoring for Maths, English and Science.

3 reviews from Amrit's current and former students
Nicole and 2 others recommend Amrit
I found Amrit in December when I was struggling in my year 13 sociology a-level and received a grade D. Amrit has helped me with understanding exam structure and applying knowledge effectively to be awarded high marks. In my end of year mocks I received an A*. These grades are truly a reflection of how much Amrit has helped me.
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Amrit is an amazing tutor, really helped me out before and during my exams!
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Amrit is very good at what she does, this is evidenced by her amazing grades. I loved how transparent she was with my daughter regarding her academic failures, like how she went from a D to an A* in just under a year! I think this gave her the motivation she needed to see how she can also achieve such great academic success too. She is also very diligent and careful when it comes to helping students with UCAS applications and general revision skills. She focuses on how students can use their time for efficiently by doing the most useful prep for exams.
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Amrit responds:
Thank you Lindsey. It was a pleasure helping your daughter achieve her full academic success!
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