• Why you should get a personal trainer t...

Why you should get a personal trainer this summer


According to figures from the World Health Organization (WHO), people with an insufficient level of physical activity have a 20% to 30% higher risk of death compared to those who achieve a sufficient level of physical activity. 

Nowadays, taking sports and fitness classes is not a matter of vanity to achieve a better physical appearance, it is really a matter of personal health, necessary to achieve a healthier lifestyle.

It is true that for some people it is difficult to take the first step into exercise, and for others, it can be difficult to maintain consistency; this is where a very important role comes in: the personal trainer. Personal trainers can be a great tool to help you stay motivated on track with your goals, especially during those hot summer months.

Taking private sports lesons is not just for high-performance athletes, private tutors can also help to take the first steps in sport and help to create a habit. Nowadays, you can get a private trainer for different types of sport, from gymnastics, swimming or even functional training.

Reasons to exercise with a personal trainer this summer

Sports are a matter of discipline, perseverance and motivation. These elements are not easy to achieve, especially for people who do not usually engage in physical activity, and even more so during the summer months. As in most areas, going hand in hand with an expert will make the learning process much more enriching. When you decide to hire a personal trainer your sports classes will be:

  • Personalised: you will have a person dedicated exclusively to guiding you according to your needs and goals, adapting the exercises according to your level and experience.
  • Dynamic: your personal trainer will prepare different routines for you, so every day will be a new challenge.
  • Effective: every exercise you do will be supervised, so the private classes will be a space to learn and perfect your technique, which will make your practice more effective, and even avoid injuries.
  • Effective: having a personal trainer guarantees the best possible results, so the time and money invested will be well worth it.
  • Motivating: having a personal trainer for your training will help you stay motivated, as you will feel that you have the support of someone who is highly trained and knows how to encourage you to keep going.

Types of sports classes with a personal trainer

Each person is different, in tastes, needs, goals, and of course, physical characteristics. In that sense, what works for some is not the same as what works for others; this is one of the reasons why there are different kinds of sports.

Knowing what options there are is the first step to making an informed decision and not giving up easily by doing something that doesn't suit you. Sports can be grouped into 4 main groups, which in turn have particular exercises:

  • Aerobic exercise: this is a workout where you work on raising your heart rate, using lots of oxygen and many muscle groups. Some classes you can take with a personal trainer if you want to do this type of training are swimming classes, dance classes, football classes, among others.
  • Strength training: involves the movement of muscles against some kind of resistance, helps to tone and improve posture. This type of training is ideal to do with a personal trainer because it requires activities for all muscles and usually includes weight lifting.
  • Flexibility exercises: focus on stretching muscles to contribute to flexibility. Yoga classes, gymnastics classes, pilates classes, etc. are often used for this type of training.

Fitness classes with a personal trainer

Gymnastics is a very complete exercise, including agility, flexibility and strength, so taking gymnastics classes with a personal trainer can bring multiple benefits.

The first and most obvious benefit is that it is a physical activity that will help you stay fit and physically active.

During gym classes the personal trainer will help your confidence and self-confidence increase as you learn new moves and routines.

Your muscles gain flexibility and strength: Gymnastics classes will help you with poor posture and also improve your balance and coordination.

Taking gymnastics classes with a personal trainer or private tutor will help you to get the right guidance to practice the exercises and make real progress. In the case of children it is especially important to have the advice of private tutors because they help to make the most of their physical abilities and develop their full potential.

If you have doubts about where to find tutors for gymnastics classes, or a personal trainer for other disciplines or exercises, we invite you to visit the FindTutors directory where you will have hundreds of options available to find your ideal private tutor.

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