• Online Tutoring: DBS Checks and Child S...

Online Tutoring: DBS Checks and Child Safety


The tutoring industry has seen a significant upswing in recent years, particularly due to the pandemic and the subsequent shift towards online learning. Tutoring services are no longer confined to traditional subjects like maths and science. From dance and rock climbing to learning Mandarin or mastering physics, there's a tutor for every need. In this age of digitalisation, tutoring has transcended geographical boundaries, and students can access global experts right from their own homes.

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However, amidst these advancements, one question often lingers in the minds of parents: "Is my child safe with an online tutor?" In this article, we delve into the role of DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) checks in ensuring child safety in the tutoring industry, with a specific focus on tutoring services in the UK.

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What is DBS?

DBS checks are integral to ensuring safety and integrity within the education sector. Let's start by understanding what DBS is and why it matters.

"Our children are our greatest treasure. They are our future." - Nelson Mandela

DBS, or Disclosure and Barring Service, is a UK government agency responsible for processing requests for criminal records checks. Established in December 2012, it replaced the Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) after much deliberation by policymakers and stakeholders.

DBS checks are vital in sectors like education, where individuals work closely with children or vulnerable adults. These checks ensure their safety and welfare by preventing unsuitable people from working in sensitive positions.

DBS checks in the UK: In-depth analysis

Let's delve deeper into DBS checks in the UK and understand who needs them, their purpose, and how they are conducted.

Who needs a DBS check

DBS checks are typically required for positions involving substantial contact with children or vulnerable adults. The local authorities carry out these checks on employers' behalf who need to verify their employees' legal status. Anyone wishing to work in public-facing roles might need a DBS check to confirm they have no criminal record or past incidents that make them unsuitable for the job.

Job types requiring DBS checks

DBS checks are typically required for roles involving substantial contact with children or vulnerable adults. These could range from teachers and care workers to volunteer roles in community centres. However, don't be surprised if a private sector employer also mandates a DBS check.

Conducting DBS checks

DBS, a government entity, exclusively conducts these checks to provide credible and accurate information to employers about their prospective employees. However, like any system, DBS checks have had their share of inaccuracies.

One significant concern is that DBS certificates are only valid up to their issue date, necessitating periodic checks to keep records updated. To address this, DBS introduced an update service in 2013, enabling employers or employees to pay an annual fee to keep their certificate updated. This has been particularly beneficial for educational professionals given the high concern for child safety.

Child safety: A paramount concern

Children need to learn in a secure environment free from harm. Let's explore why DBS checks are indispensable in ensuring child safety.

  • Why are DBS checks important? DBS checks are crucial in vetting individuals working closely with children, thus ensuring child safety and preventing potential issues. With rising instances of child exploitation, parents understandably wish to choose a tutor who is trustworthy and doesn't have any questionable past records.
  • DBS checks for freelance tutors: Currently, freelance tutors in the UK can't make individual applications for DBS checks, nor are they legally required to do so. However, umbrella companies and The Tutors Association, a UK-based organisation, offer DBS checking services. We strongly recommend freelance tutors to undergo these checks to foster trust with parents and underline the importance of child safety.

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DBS checks and FindTutors

While DBS checks aren't legally mandatory for self-employed tutors, FindTutors allows tutors with DBS checks to upload their certificate to their account to be verified. FindTutors will soon allow students and parents to easily identify these tutors by awarding tutors with DBS checks a special badge on their ads.

Ensuring online safety

Apart from DBS-checked tutors, many of our tutors offer the first lesson for free. This allows students and parents to meet the tutor beforehand and assess whether they would like to continue with lessons. We also have Verfied Tutors who are easily identified by the green tick on their ad and profile. As the name suggests, all Verified Tutors' details are verified (email address, phone number, location, references and experience as a tutor). And lastly, many tutors on our website also have reviews written by current and former students to help you decide which tutor you wish to place your trust in.


While risks are inherent in all aspects of life, it's crucial to remain cautious yet balanced. Rest assured, the majority of tutors are highly professional, committed, and genuinely concerned for their students' wellbeing. With platforms like FindTutors, you can have peace of mind knowing your child's safety is prioritised.

Remember, the best tutoring services are those that ensure safety, professionalism, and quality, all in one package.

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