How to learn Japanese from zero


As with all languages, some sounds are easier to pronounce than others. One of the advantages of learning Spanish is that it is considered one of the easiest languages for foreigners to pronounce. However, there are some sounds that tend to be more difficult to pronounce, such as the double r, the letter g, and the letter j, the letter h (which is soundless) and the letters c and z. 

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In the globalised world we live in, learning Japanese is key because it opens doors. Oriental languages, such as Russian or even Chinese, are more important than ever, and more and more people are becoming interested in them. Because these languages have an appeal that begins with their writing and ends with their culture. 

Japan in particular is known for its cuisine, its animation that rivals none other than Disney, and its advanced technology. In addition to the beauty of the language itself, many students have decided to take Japanese classes and learn the language from scratch

If you are wondering how to learn Japanese or why everyone is talking about this language, in this post we will tell you. There are many ways to learn it, for so you need to find out which one is best for you. 

Why learn Japanese?

Competition in the world of work has forced us to learn second and third languages, which is why the demand for Japanese is so high. That is why the demand for languages is so high, but why choose Japanese

However, they have many more advantages than complications. Yes, it is a difficult language, but it is also highly satisfying to learn. In addition: 

  • Few Westerners master the language. Japanese is the perfect language for them to stand out from the rest. Very few people speak it and that is a great advantage in itself. 
  • It is a language of great importance in the technology sector. When we think of Japan we immediately think of its tall skyscrapers, cars, telephones, video games... Japan is today and in the future one of the most advanced countries in this sector. 
  • Do you like reading manga, books or watching Japanese films? If you learn the language, you will be able to enjoy all the content without waiting for a translation that sometimes doesn't even arrive. 

Where to start learning Japanese? 

There are several ways to learn Japanese from scratch. If you are studying or working and don't have many hours, it may be better to look for private Japanese tutors rather than a tuition centre. 

If, on the other hand, you prefer to go to a class and meet more people who, like you, are interested in the language, then it is best to go to a language centre. 

  1. One-to-one Japanese lessons 

Private tuition is for those who prefer to have a flexible timetable and a more personalised syllabus. If you do not yet have knowledge of the Japanese, this is the best option as the tutor will focus on teaching you the main syllabaries and help you with the ones you are most confused about. 

If you want to learn Japanese with a tutor, you should register with an educational website, such as FindTutors, that will put you in contact with one. 

Once you have chosen your page, all you have to do is register and advertise as a student looking for lessons or contact directly the tutor you like the most.

2. Tuition centres for Japanese language learning 

If you prefer to take a more traditional class, then it is best to look for a tuition centre that teaches Japanese for beginners. The process is simple: 

  1. Find a tuition centre near you. It is important that you filter your search in your browser so that the results are more accurate. 
  2. Keep an eye on your age and level. Depending on your age and level of Japanese, you will be placed in one group or another. Make sure that the age groups you are interested in are available and that they match your language skills. 
  3. Check timetables. There are centres that offer classes depending on the timetable of their tutors or where there is more demand. Classes are generally held in the afternoon, but there may be variations. 
  4. Choose based on budget. Official tuition centres are generally expensive. So before you choose, you should know how much the course will cost in total and what you will learn. 
  5. Learn on your own There is always an alternative to everything. In this case, the alternative to attending Japanese classes is to do it on your own. For that you will need to have: 
  • Books. To learn you need a guide. Books give you the syllabus and the knowledge to learn Japanese. Of course, there are books more intuitive than others. You will have to make a good search based on your learning objectives and preferences. 
  • Internet access. On the internet you will find all the resources you are looking for and more. Exercises, exams, books, explanatory videos... even free online courses. It's worth taking a look. And nowadays there are thousands of educational apps where you can practise Japanese as often as you like - if you put your mind to it, you'll get there!

Tips for learning Japanese 

Whichever way you choose to learn, there are a few things to bear in mind. Since it is a difficult language for someone who has never had any contact with it, you may often get frustrated. 

You have to try to overcome that dark feeling and find your passion for learning again. Here are some tips on how to learn Japanese: 

  • Motivation. You must have an interest and a desire to learn Japanese. This is the only way you will be able to make the effort and take the time to practise the language. 
  • Perseverance. We all know that when we don't practise a language we end up losing it. That's why perseverance is so important when learning Japanese. Try to always set aside some time each day to do it. 
  • Practice out loud and in writing. A good way to internalise the language is to pronounce everything you learn out loud. You should also write it down, as this will make it easier for you to remember the Japanese characters.
  • Integrate the language into your leisure time. Videos, films, music... Internet makes it very easy for us to be in contact with a language totally foreign to our own. 

Make the most of it and immerse yourself in Japanese! 


Above all, remember that the most important thing is to keep up with the language and try to practise it in your daily life. It is better to work on it little by little, without stopping, than all at once and then forget about it. 

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