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My daughter has just started lessons with Catherine. Straightaway she seemed more motivated and much clearer about what she needs to focus on!
My daughter has just started lessons with Catherine. Straightaway she seemed more motivated and much clearer about wh...
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GCSE English Literature and/or Language tutor here to help you ace your Exams

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Do you feel like your GCSE English exams are sitting like a mountain on your shoulders? Or perhaps you have the required skills to pass the exams but would like to excel in them instead of just doing well.

I can help you!

Whatever your current level or target level - we can work through any difficulties to make sure you give it your best shot. I believe that it does take hard work and effort to do well and this is what I expect of my students - I only want to take on students who are willing to put in the hard work and go the extra mile for great results.
Regardless of your current grade, we can change that for the better with the plan I have in place.
I start with an introductory lesson where I find out more about you as a person and a student. This includes best ways of working, if you perhaps have ADHD, ASD or any specific requirements. This is a safe place to discuss your concerns and needs. I have extensive experience working in specialist schools with students with a range of needs and I am able to adapt my teaching to best suit you.

I have been an English teacher for just under a decade and have taught most of the standard texts you will need help with e.g. An Inspector Calls, A Christmas Carol, Macbeth...The list goes on. If I haven't taught your text you need help with, I will always tell you but I am happy to learn it and help you with it. I have also taught different exam boards from AQA, Eduqas and OCR.

Your school work always comes first, so if you have an assessment or homework that has to be done and you don't have time for work I have set, I would rather you focus on work for school as I can adapt my lessons to fit in with your commitments.

So if you are willing to work hard, put the effort in and try your hardest, give me a call or send me an email to find out how I can help you do your best in your upcoming exams.

I look forward to being able to support and help you!

1 reviews from Catherine's current and former students
My daughter has just started lessons with Catherine. Straightaway she seemed more motivated and much clearer about what she needs to focus on!
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