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Kyle Lee
Kyle Lee
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Architecture Lessons
verified Verified data time 1 year teaching experience
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University students
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I have accumulated 20 years of experience within the architectural industry. Throughout my career, I have contributed to projects ranging from modest £10k residential refurbishments to extensive £300 million hospitals. I am excited to impart my wealth of

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Embark on an enriching architectural learning experience online, tailored just for you. Explore the world of architecture in a way that's easy to understand and engaging. **Architectural Design:** Discover the essence of crafting captivating structures. Learn to transform your creative ideas into concrete designs that seamlessly blend form and function. **Understanding Space:** Dive into the interplay between space and design. Understand how to manipulate and optimize spatial arrangements to create inviting and efficient environments. **Environment Harmony:** Explore the connection between architecture and the environment. Learn how sustainable practices and eco-friendly design choices can enhance your creations while minimizing environmental impact. **Colour and Materials:** Delve into the world of colours and materials. Gain insights into how these elements can evoke emotions, enhance aesthetics, and contribute to the overall atmosphere of a space. **Practical Design:** Merge creativity with practicality as you learn to design spaces that inspire and fulfill their intended purposes effectively. **Convenient Online Learning:** All of this knowledge will be shared through interactive online sessions, designed to fit your schedule. You'll have the flexibility to learn at your own pace and engage in discussions, all from the comfort of your chosen space. Embark on a personalized journey of architectural discovery. Whether you're an aspiring architect, an enthusiast, or simply curious about the world of design, these lessons are crafted to empower you. Join me and unlock the keys to architectural excellence!
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