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2 reviews
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Town/city/borough East Ham, Barking (London), Canning Town, Manor Park, West Ham
Maths Lessons
2 reviews
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Reviews from Mohamed's students: Reviews from Mohamed's students:
Very patient individual, has great techniques when it comes to teaching and making sure the students understand mathematical concepts. Has a bunch of examples in hand at always if the student goes n...
Very patient individual, has great techniques when it comes to teaching and making sure the students understand mathema...
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First class free
Usually teaches classes in
Barking (London)
Canning Town
East Ham
Manor Park
West Ham
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University students
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Experienced Maths and FM tutor for GSCE and Alevel students.

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I start with an introductory session to get to know the student’s academic background, learning style, and goals. Every student learns differently, and my goal is to provide a customised learning experience which will help improve their grades
2 reviews from Mohamed's current and former students
Zahra Emad and 1 others recommend Mohamed
Zahra Emad
Very patient individual, has great techniques when it comes to teaching and making sure the students understand mathematical concepts. Has a bunch of examples in hand at always if the student goes not understand. Great communication skills in order to ensure everything he’s meant to teach is delivered. Main thing I’ve noticed with recent teachers, when students ask any doubts, tutors give solution without proper explanations. However, he likes to give guidance for the student to solve themselves and ensure the student understands the question thoroughly. Always lesson preps
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Very helpful and flexible.
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