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Town/city/borough Hackney
verified Verified data time 2 years teaching experience
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Education and qualifications
University Degree (studying): Adult nursing
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Sumairaa in a nutshell
I e always volunteered working with children and teenagers, I would describe myself having a growth mindset and always striving for good and pushing your self forward. I’ve worked in hospitals as a adult nurse and currently still am gaining more experience as I am studying at kings college university. I’ve worked in a reputable hotel in mayfair as a waitress. Also volunteered in a care home which...
I e always volunteered working with children and teenagers, I would describe myself having a growth mindset and always striving for good and pushing your self forward. I’ve worked in hospitals as a adult nurse and currently still am gaining more experience as I am studying at kings college university. I’ve worked in a reputable hotel in mayfair as a waitress. Also volunteered in a care home which was one of my best experiences as I learnt immensely from that healthcare setting. I would describe my self as a bubbly outgoing individual and definitely a peoples person !!
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