• How you can help your child learn the m...

How you can help your child learn the multiplication tables


Multiplication is an important aspect of maths lessons which we start learning in primary school. For many students, starting the times tables is when maths can start to feel quite difficult and daunting. Therefore, it's essential that we do what we can to make learning easier and more enjoyable, and that we help our children tackle the subject with confidence and a positive attitude. 

The multiplication tables lay the foundation for many advanced maths concepts and are an essential skill that students need to master. Understanding the multiplication tables not only aids in quick mental calculations but also boosts overall mathematical confidence. In this article, we'll delve into the importance of learning multiplication tables and provide effective strategies to make the process engaging and efficient for children.

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Why do we need the multiplication tables?

In the early days of learning the multiplication tables, when the subject can appear quite daunting, this is a question your children may ask you. Truthfully, the times tables are important for three main reasons:

1. They provide a foundation for more advanced maths: Mastering multiplication is crucial for tackling more complex mathematical concepts in the future. It serves as a fundamental building block for algebra, geometry, and higher-level maths.

2. They enhance our problem-solving skills: Proficiency in multiplication contributes to our problem-solving abilities. Students who can quickly and accurately multiply numbers are better equipped to analyse and solve mathematical problems with ease.

3. They are used in our everyday lives: We use multiplication almost everyday, whether we´re conscious of doing so or not. For example, if we need to buy multiple of the same item at the supermarket, or whether we need to calculate how much food is needed if we´re serving several people at dinner. 

Strategies for learning the multiplication tables

There are many strategies for which we can help our children with learning the multiplication tables, many of which are listed below.

  1. Memorisation techniques: Utilise mnemonic devices such as songs or rhymes, flashcards, and other memory aids to help your children with memorising multiplications. Incorporating visual elements can make the process even more engaging.
  2. Interactive games and activities: Turning learning into a fun and interactive experience will help keep your child engaged and is more likely to motivate them to keep learning. There are numerous online games and activities designed specifically for learning multiplication tables. You can find interactive games on websites like BBC Bitesize or videos with songs or lessons on YouTube. These types of games and videos not only reinforce the concepts but also make the learning process enjoyable.
  3. Real-world applications: Connect multiplication to real-life situations in your day to day. Illustrate how multiplication can be used in everyday scenarios, such as calculating prices when you take a trip to the supermarket, determining dimensions of a simple object at home, or distributing items equally among a group. By doing this activity with your child, you are highlighting to them how important multiplication is in everyday life. 
  4. Regular practice: Consistent practice is key to mastering multiplication tables. Try to set aside dedicated time with your child each day or week for multiplication practice. This also reinforces the importance of repetition in the learning process.
  5. Utilise technology: Leverage educational apps and online resources that focus on multiplication skills. These tools often provide instant feedback, helping students track their progress and identify areas that need improvement.
  6. Hire a private maths tutor: If you find your child is struggling with learning their multiplication tables and you´re unable to dedicate much time to helping them due to time constraints, perhaps it's a good idea to think about hiring a private maths tutor. A private tutor for maths can provide your child with one-on-one attention and lessons personalised to their own individual needs and learning style. Tutors for maths also often have access to a number of additional resources which can further help your child in memorising and understanding their times tables.

How can I find a private tutor to help my child learn multiplication?

If you´ve decided to take the route of hiring the help of a private maths tutor in teaching your child multiplication or foundational maths, there are a number of steps you can take to ensure you find the right tutor for your child:

  • Do your research and ask for recommendations: A good first step when searching for a maths tutor is to ask your child's teachers or friends and family if they have any recommendations for a maths tutor. If someone you know has had a positive experience with a private tutor and can recommend them to you, this can be reassuring. Not only that you can trust the tutor with your child, but that you can ensure you´ll see positive results. An alternative is searching online platforms for local maths tutors. There are numerous platforms such as FindTutors where you can search for a range of tutors near you and filter according to your needs such as subject, education level (e.g primary school, GCSE etc) and budget. 
  • Ensure the tutor is qualified and experienced: While it´s not essential that someone has a degree in mathematics to tutor maths, they should ideally have an advanced knowledge of the subject and past experience in tutoring maths according to the level you need. So if you´re looking for a maths tutor for a primary school child, the tutor should both have a background check and should have previous experience in tutoring children.
  • Check reviews and testimonials of tutors: Before deciding on a tutor, you can check online for reviews or testimonials from past students, or you can ask the tutor directly if they can provide you with these. 
  • Schedule a trial lesson: It's recommended that once you find a tutor that fits your needs, you schedule an initial trial session with them. You can use this session to ask any questions to the tutor, clear up any doubts, and see how they interact with your child. You should observe whether they can adapt their teaching according to your child's learning style and whether your child seems engaged and motivated to learn in their presence.

Once you´ve found the right tutor for your child's private maths lessons, you should ensure that you have regular check-ins with your tutor so that you can monitor your child's progress and discuss any areas of concern. 


Learning the multiplication tables is a vital skill that empowers students and provides them with the foundation to navigate the world of mathematics confidently. By employing effective strategies such as memorisation techniques, interactive games, real-world applications, regular practice, technology, and the help of a maths tutor, students can develop a solid foundation in multiplication. As educators and parents, fostering a positive and engaging learning environment is essential to inspire students starting their maths journey. By doing so, we can set our children off on the right foot with maths learning, and ensure we diminish as much as possible the often negative attitude and anxiety that can arise surrounding the subject of maths. 

Remember, the journey to mastering multiplication is unique for each student. Patience, encouragement, and a variety of teaching methods will contribute to their success in this foundational maths skill.

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