5 useful expressions you can use in English


As a private tutor for English as a foreign language, today I thought I´d share some useful English phrases that you can use in everyday conversation.

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1. "Nice to meet you!"

You would typically use this expression when first greeting some one you have not meet before or just as you are ending a conversation and want to be extra polite. 

Greeting - "Hello, nice to meet you!"

Ending - "Thanks for giving me an opportunity to interview for this position. It was nice to meet you!"

2. "Excuse me"

A polite way of asking people to move out of your way. Instead of, "Move out of the way!" you would politely say "Excuse me, could I just get past you?"

3. "I really appreciate..."

This is a way of saying you are really thankful and grateful for something. It is more polite and emphasises the thankfullness of the action that has taken place.

Example - "I really appreicate the fact you went out of your way to get my lost purse."

Simliar/Alternative - "Thanks so much for going out of your way to get my lost purse."

4. "What do you do?"

This is a way of asking about someone's job or occupation. You are not assumming anything or coming across as too nosy either!

Example - "So, what do you do for a living?"

5.  "A piece of cake!"

Now, I thought I would end on a difficult one.The idiom "A piece of cake" is used when we find something particularly easy to do. It is a commonly used phrase in English.

Example - "George, can you help me send this email?"

"Yes sure, I know what to do, it's a piece of cake really!"

So, there you have it 5 useful English expressions that you can use in your everyday English conversations.

If you need further assistance with learning English, I offer English lessons for learners of English as a foreign language. Reach out for more information!

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