• How to revise for your mock exams in ma...

How to revise for your mock exams in maths


Mock exams are used to allow students to undertake a practice exam in exam-like conditions, which can in turn allow them to see how well they performed and what areas they may need to improve during their maths lessons and in revision before the final exam. It acts as a prediction to what a student will achieve in their final maths exam. 

Some students may be tempted to not take their mock exams seriously, as they don´t have any impact on their final grades. However, mock exams should be viewed with equal importance as they allow you to see how you´ll perform under exam conditions. It's important that you follow a strategic approach in revising towards your mock maths exams. Doing so will only make things easier for you when you have to revise for and undertake the real maths exam.

In this article, we will outline a number of practical methods that you can use to help you revise efficiently for your upcoming maths mock exams.

  1. Understand the exam format and course content:

Before diving into revision, familiarise yourself with the format of your exams. Whether you're studying for GCSE, A-Level or Scottish Highers, you should be able to access the specific maths curriculum, exam format and mark scheme of the exam board you´re following. If you don't have these resources available in school or from your maths teachers, you should be able to find these online. Review past papers and mark schemes from your exam board to identify key patterns, question types, and the distribution of topics. This will help you tailor your revision to areas that are likely to appear in the exam. However, it's also important to remember that while one topic may not have appeared on these exams in the past number of years, it could appear on this year´s exam. Therefore, it's essential that we have an understanding of all of the material covered on the curriculum so that you´re prepared for any question that may arise. 

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  1. Create a study schedule:

Effective revision requires a well-structured study schedule. Cramming revision at the last minute is not effective as you may miss some important content and lack of sufficient breaks may mean you won't be rested enough when undertaking the exam. Make sure you break down your revision into manageable sessions, focusing on specific topics each day. This allows you to see where you already have understanding, and what topics you may need to review again. While it´s important to ensure that you review the entire syllabus, you should focus more closely on the aspects of maths you find most challenging. 

  1. Use active learning techniques:

A method for ensuring greater retention of maths problems and solutions is to engage in active learning. But what does active learning mean? This means undertaking practical exercises such as solving maths problems, working on exercises from the syllabus, using past papers, and applying mathematical concepts to real-world scenarios in order to increase your understanding. Active learning enhances reinforcement and application of knowledge.

  1. Utilise online resources:

Nowadays there is a wealth of information and resources online that can help you with your maths revision. Take advantage of these online resources such as educational websites, video tutorials, and interactive quizzes. Platforms like Khan Academy, BBC Bitesize and even YouTube can provide additional explanations that can supplement your learning. The interactive element of many of these resources can allow for better understanding and retention of information.

  1. Form study groups and teach others:

Collaborating with your friends or classmates can provide different perspectives and help reinforce your understanding. Discussing concepts with others allows you to verbalise your thoughts and identify any gaps in your knowledge. You could also try teaching what you know to others. Explaining concepts in a way for others to understand allows you to internalise the information more effectively.

  1. Regularly review and revise:

Consistent revision is fundamental for long-term retention of concepts. Schedule regular review sessions to reinforce what you've already learned. Using tools such as flashcards and self-quizzing are effective for reinforcing key concepts. Flashcards in particular are ideal to use in studying as they can easily be carried with you at any time. When you have a few spare minutes in the day, such as when you're travelling on public transport, you can use the flashcards for a quick recap on maths equations. 

  1. Seek clarification or the help of a private maths tutor:

If you encounter challenging topics or questions, or you´re struggling with some aspects of the syllabus, don't hesitate to seek clarification from your teachers or from a private maths tutor. Hiring a private tutor offers a number of benefits and is an investment in your skills and in your future. They can personalise maths classes to suit your needs and goals, as well as to your particular style of learning, something which is often not possible within a traditional classroom setting with other students. If you find you already have a packed schedule, or you´re struggling to find maths tutors in your area, you can always seek the help of an online maths tutor.

  1. Simulate exam conditions:

As the mock exam approaches, simulate exam conditions when you practise with past papers. Time yourself, create a quiet and focused environment, and attempt the past papers under realistic conditions to build confidence and reduce exam-day stress.

  1. Make time for self-care:

The final piece of advice may not be an obvious one, but make sure you strike a healthy balance between study and self-care. Ensure you get adequate sleep, eat well, and take regular breaks during your revision sessions. Try to study in a different room from where you usually go to relax, so when you do need a break, you can leave your revision behind and fully clear your mind. If you´re struggling with nerves for your exams, try meditation, journalling, or any creative or physical activity that allows you to destress. Studies have shown that a well-rested mind performs better during exams.

By following the strategies outlined above, you can optimise your revision and approach the exam with confidence. Ensuring understanding of the key concepts of maths is as important as practising problems. Stay as calm as you can as you approach your exams - both mock exams and the real deal. And most importantly, remember that how you do in exams does not determine your self-worth and does not mean you cannot succeed again in future if things don't go the way you planned. 

All the best of luck in your mock exams!

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