• 5 reasons why you should start violin l...

5 reasons to start violin lessons


More and more young people, students and adults dream of mastering a musical instrument. You should use this passion to start a new hobby, to challenge yourself and even to become part of a musical group at school, high school or even university who have mastered an instrument to perfection. If you've been thinking about taking violin lessons for some time, you've come to the right place!

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The benefits of learning to play the violin

Violin lessons can benefit you in ways that go beyond the world of music. They can have an impact on your daily life, your school life and can even help with the development of some important skills. Learning to play the violin, like any other activity, builds self-confidence and provides unique tools and knowledge that can serve you for the rest of your life.

Private music tuition has changed the lives of dozens of students who are learning to play this magical instrument. So, without further ado, here are 5 reasons why you should learn to play the violin today.

  1. Improve social skills

In violin classes, you can meet other students who are learning the violin and you can learn from each other. Take advantage of these classes to get feedback from the tutor about your level and to develop your skills outside of the classroom.

  1. Develop physical skills

Playing the violin offers a physical advantage for young people, teenagers and even children. A concert or competition requires a lot of work and practice and therefore the development of the following skills:

  • Well-trained posture

  • Strength and power in the upper body 

  • Improved motor skills

With practice, the physical effort required will gradually reduce and your posture will improve. Whether standing or sitting, you can be sure that playing the violin also requires physical and breathing skills.

  1. Reduce stress in a fun environment

As simple as it may sound, private tuition or group violin lessons will allow you to relieve stress, whether that´s from exams or other important deadlines that await you. Start violin lessons with a tutor or in a group to escape from your daily tasks for half an hour or an hour, so that you can recharge and prepare for the day or week ahead of you after your lesson.

  1. Belong to a community or group

Many teenagers and students benefit from learning the violin because of the social element and sense of belonging to a community. Playing in an orchestra or a school band requires group coordination, which can bring a sense of accomplishment for all involved, and can be a great relief from individual study and the constant pressures of being in the classroom.

  1. Take advantage of an emotional outlet

Music lessons offer a chance to release emotions, something that teenagers and young people can sometimes find difficult to do in a constructive way.

Whether it's after a break-up, a bad report card, or an argument with parents, musical instruments like the violin allow us to express our emotions by allowing ourselves to get carried away by the melody and, above all, let go of the stress that we can accumulate throughout the week.

Learn to play the violin

You might think that the violin is only synonymous with "romantic" pieces of music, that it is too expensive to play, or that it is one of the most difficult instruments to master. However, the truth is that the sound of the violin is one of the most beautiful and accentuated sounds in an orchestra, which is why it deserves the title of "queen of all instruments".

Playing an instrument requires a lot of effort, rigour and organisation. With a violin tutor, you can benefit from a dedicated programme and professional guidance. As a result, practice becomes easier and more enjoyable. You can also forget about the idea of an expensive instrument, as you will find different prices for violins depending on the brand and quality, as well as the age of the instrument.

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