• How to find a private tutor this summer

How to find a private tutor this summer


If you have already decided that you need private tuition in summer, but you don't know how to find a tutor, this is the post for you. There are a thousand ways to find a tutor online, but we will also look at alternatives to the internet which, depending on when you were born, will remind you of your childhood.       

How to find your perfect tutor this summer


The Internet has a myriad of online portals where you can find anything at any time. One of those elements can be a tutor, so take a look at what you need to look out for.




  • What to look out for: There are a series of aspects, such as availability and subject matter, which are more important than others, as they are the basis when choosing a tutor. Then, the other elements that surround them are what determine whether they are the perfect tutor.

  • Subject: The filter that will inevitably be applied to all the tutors you observe will be that of the subject. Depending on the tutor, they will give you a general overview, but depending on the tutor, they will specialise in specific subjects.

  • Description: The description of the tutor will be your first impression. Remember that online everything is very different. Contact the tutor to make sure they are right for you, and remember, they may have helped you write the description - first impressions are not everything!

  • Reviews: The most important part. FindTutors reviews are made by former students, so when choosing a tutor you will be able to find out interesting aspects about them, and you will know if they are the right tutor for you based on the criticisms they have received.

  • Price: The hourly rate of the tutors does not vary much. However, if you want to save a little money, this is important. In relation to all the other options, evaluate if the price per hour that your tutor asks for is too little or too much and look for another tutor with a price that fits your possibilities.

  • Availability: The tutor's timetable must fit in with yours. Summer classes are usually more flexible, so depending on the schedule you choose, you can take it as a hobby rather than a duty.

  • Modality: This section is important if you have a preference in the way your classes are taught. If you know that your ability to concentrate is impaired online, look for Face-to-face classes. If, on the other hand, you think they help you to optimise your time, look for online tuition.

Alternatives to online platforms


Not everyone likes to find a tutor through the screen and prefer a more tangible way. Here are a number of alternatives for those who are more extroverted.




  • Find paper advertisements: I'm sure there are a number of advertisements around your neighbourhood informing you that there are classes available. The typical one with the strips and the phones hanging up. This is the best option for Face-to-face classes, because surely if it's in your area, you know the person before, even if only by sight.

  • Hang up paper advertisements: If you can't find any, you can hang up an advertisement saying that you need private tuition. I'm sure more than one person will call you!

  • Word of mouth: Ask in your local shop, in the bar... if someone gives private tuition. In the end, you do the person who teaches a favour and you do yourself a favour by not having to search.

  • Neighbours: With the previous options, your neighbours have probably already heard that you are looking for private tuition. Surely if they know of one they will let you know.

Find your perfect tutor

Optimise your time in FindTutors


If FindTutors is one of your chosen options, here is a brief guide on how to find a tutor according to the conditions you prefer.

1. The tutor that best suits your needs

Choose the tutor that best suits you depending on the subjects you need to reinforce, the money you want to spend, and the feedback you receive. You can bookmark the searches that most catch your eye and choose later after looking more.

The point of view we have is the closest, as they are former students who value the services of the tutors. In this way we ensure that the opinions on the website are totally objective.

2. The request to the tutor in question

Look at the tutor's timetable of availability. These are often flexible. You just need to check that they fit in with your tutor's timetable. If this is the case, don't hesitate to tick the subjects you want to reinforce and send a request.

There is also a text box in which you have the possibility to specify which subjects are important to you and other aspects that are important to you. If you prefer, there are also tutors who give you the option of online tuition or private tuition..

3. Review online




The last step in choosing a tutor is the first step in learning. You already know that you can revise anything online, you just need a lot of hard work, perseverance and perseverance. Remember that you will always have this option if you have any doubts

Tips for concentrating in summer classes


Here are a variety of extra tips. They are based on whether it's your first time taking a private lesson, how to curb embarrassment and open yourself to learning.

  • Don't be embarrassed to ask: As a wise man once said, "they who ask a question looks like a fool for 5 minutes, they who don't ask a question is a fool for life". The tutors don't care if you ask questions, on the contrary, they know that if you are reinforcing a subject, getting rid of doubts is the best thing to do.

  • Set objectives: Make a rubric with all the subjects to work on. If you set objectives and goals, you will feel more productive because you will divide up the work to be done, and it will be easier to achieve real objectives.

  • Sincere intention: If you have a real intention of wanting to learn about this subject you are already half way there. Intention is what counts this time.

  • Don't think about other things: Try to pay attention to what the tutor is saying when they are giving you an explanation. Think that you are paying the tutor, and that if for whatever reason you don't understand what they are telling you, ask them to repeat it. It is better to listen to the same explanation several times and understand it.

  • Write with pen and paper: There are now different techniques for taking notes on the computer. However, the best technique is still the traditional one. If you take notes by hand, it will not only stick in your mind more quickly, but it will also force you to pay attention.

  • Find a suitable location: Whether you are taking the classes online or face-to-face, the environment is very important. Look for a place with natural light and fairly neutral. You can always tidy up the space to make it more welcoming. Walls painted white, or baby blue help you feel relaxed.

We hope you have been able to find your ideal tutor. Remember that on online platforms you will find a catalogue of tutors, so in case your tutor doesn't convince you, you can always change then.

You have the whole summer ahead of you, so treat studying as a hobby or a way to be mentally active. Don't stress if there is some knowledge that doesn't suit you, it's the most normal thing in the world. With time and effort you will get there.

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