How to become a maths tutor


Maths, like other science-related subjects, is one of those feared by most students. In general, few say they have it easy when it comes to passing maths and it is undoubtedly one of the most in-demand subjects. So, if you want to teach maths, good for you!

Become a tutor for free!

There are many people who, seeing that they are good at calculus and problem solving, are looking for ways to become a maths tutor. Tutoring maths is a great idea as it´s a subject with very high demand. Below, we've outlined what steps you can take to become a maths tutor.

What do I need to study to become a maths tutor?

If you want to become a tutor, there are no strict requirements. The only thing we need to understand is the subject we´re teaching, and this doesn´t necessarily require any formal qualifications.

If you want to be a maths teacher in a public school, it is likely that, at a minimum, they will require you to have a teaching degree and, in the case of some schools, a master's degree in teaching.

Here we tell you could study to become a maths teacher.

  • A teaching degree: This qualifies you to teach in pre-primary and primary education. It varies slightly from country to country; in some countries it exists as a single degree, in others it is two different degrees. As a general rule, tutors are trained in all subjects, including maths, as well as acquiring age-appropriate teaching techniques.
  • A maths degree: Many people may think that this is one of the most logical paths, but it need not be. In some schools, you will be able to become a tutor and it also allows you to be a private tutor. However, if your goals are other, such as getting into a public school, you will also need to have some teaching qualifications.
  • A master's degree in teaching: This is the route to becoming a teacher, especially for secondary school students. Most science degrees qualify you to become a maths teacher if you take this master's degree. Of course, with this qualification you can also give private tuition.
  • Courses for tutors: There are a wide range of courses on the Internet that can help you to become a good tutor. They may not have the same official recognition as the other options, but they are no less useful.

Students looking for tutors

Steps to becoming a maths tutor

If you want to tutor maths, you can follow a series of basic steps that can guide you in creating your tutor advert.

  • Do a self-assessment: Try doing a few tests or assignments that show you how good you are at maths. The grade you get does not have to be decisive, only indicative. It will tell you what you have mastered and where you need to catch up.
  • Refresh your memory: Try to reinforce those things that you have forgotten or are not so good at. There are tutors who leave this for when they know their students and know what subjects they are going to teach, this is a mistake. It is best to always be prepared for everything.
  • Be clear about your strengths and weaknesses: No matter how hard we try to catch up, there will be levels or topics that we cannot teach. Be clear about what they are, so that when a student asks you for help, you will know whether or not you are qualified. Remember that a dissatisfied student can be very negative for your reputation.
  • Explore the syllabus each year: The topics taught in maths vary from year to year. Look at the syllabus of the most important textbooks and exam boards. So, for example, if someone calls you to teach primary school, you will know what topics you will be dealing with and whether you can commit to it.

Once you know where you stand: advertise yourself. You can use any online platform, such as FindTutors, and create an advert that lists all your characteristics as a tutor, as well as your qualifications. On the other hand, try to reflect what motivates you and your desire to teach.

What do I need as a tutor for maths lessons?

Private tuition in maths is very valuable. Many students have problems with this subject and most of the time it is because they don't understand it well. Perhaps no one has been able to spend enough time to explain it better.

If you have decided that you want to become a maths tutor, you are in luck: you have the opportunity to dedicate a lot of time and effort to your students. Here are some tips to help you do this:

  • Games: With maths, it is easy to make fun games and activities which put theoretical knowledge into practice. The Internet is full of resources and maths games that can help you. In addition, if you teach after school or high school, this will help you to keep your students from becoming saturated.
  • Patience and empathy: It seems obvious, but it is not. If you put forward a problem or exercise, it is necessary that your student solves it alone, since your help is only a guide. For this, you need to be patient and understand that the solution is not as obvious as it may seem to you.
  • Real-life application: One of the keys to understanding maths is for students to see its application in real life. Try to give personalised problems that deal with things that your student likes, such as films or video games.
  • The process is more important than the result: Although the result is important, in most cases, it is more important that the student has understood how the problems are solved. Pretending to be a human calculator is the quickest way to fail at maths.
  • Technology is your ally: Children are already born into a digital environment, where technology is part of their daily lives. They use smartphones, tablets and computers, and studying maths is something that can utilise this technology in a positive way.

One of the things we must be clear about is that maths cannot become a monster that is impossible to defeat. For many children and young people, maths can bring great frustration. Those who understand maths well have learned to enjoy it and know that there is no reason to be afraid of it. The most important thing is that we know how to transmit this idea and that it is just another subject.

Advantages of being a private maths tutor

This type of teaching is a good job for maths tutors who, in some cases, are unable to find their place in schools and universities. Therefore, in the meantime, they can help students who need revision classes.

Nowadays, we can find maths tutors of all kinds. From teachers who give lessons to children, to university students. Those who give classes for children usually have a more basic level of the subject, and may even be university students who are studying a science subject. On the other hand, those who give classes to adults have specific training in maths, complemented by a master's degree in teaching.

We cannot try to replace school teachers with private tutors. We can be more flexible, because they may be there temporarily or to fix a specific problem, but being good in some specific maths subjects is enough.

Become a private tutor

How to give private tuition in maths

As you have seen, giving private tuition in maths is a task that requires patience, clarity and, above all, a solid understanding of the subject. You must be able to break down complex concepts into simple, easy-to-understand terms.

Often, students struggle with maths because they do not understand the underlying concepts. As a tutor, your job is to clarify these concepts and help students see maths in a new way.

  • Understand the student's needs and abilities. Every student is unique and has different strengths and weaknesses. Some may struggle with basic arithmetic, while others may struggle with more advanced concepts such as algebra.
  • Have the necessary materials. For private tuition, you need to be prepared. Students always expect their tutor to know what they are going to be taught in their classes, but also to have supplementary materials that will make it easier for them to understand the subject matter.
  • Keep the student engaged and motivated. Maths can be a difficult and frustrating subject for many students. Therefore, it is essential to make lessons fun and interesting. This can be done through games, puzzles or even applying maths concepts to real-life situations.
  • Be adaptable. It may seem obvious, but with the rise of online tuition, the resources are not the same as those used in face-to-face tuition. For this same reason, you will have to adapt to the methodology you decide to teach (in some cases, there are teachers who opt for both). 

These are just some of the key points to bear in mind when giving your private tuition in maths. Even so, if you are having trouble finding students for your classes, here are some strategies to follow to get more students.

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Keys to getting maths students

We are aware that attracting maths students can be complicated, especially because of the high demand for maths tutors. But it is most complicated when you are starting out as a tutor, because you don't know where to start and you don't have any online reviews.

There are several strategies you can employ to increase your chances of success.

  • Attract students through referrals. If you have worked with students before, ask them to recommend you to their friends or classmates. Personal testimonials are one of the most powerful forms of advertising, and a satisfied student can be an excellent source of new business.
  • Actively promote yourself. This may involve creating a website or social networking profile, posting ads on local notice boards, or participating in community events. The more visibility you have, the more likely potential students are to find you.
  • Renewing your tutor profiles. You should be constantly adding information to your profile, which means that you will need to keep training yourself to offer your students the best you can. Also, as you gain experience, it will be important that you add to it and explain in more detail what you can offer your students.
  • Ask for reviews from former students. You may be registered on the FindTutors platform, but you may have already given some lessons to friends and family (which is highly recommended). Ask them to give you a hand by leaving a good review on your tutor profile, so it will be easier for others to notice you.

In short, don't give up! Nobody said it was easy, but the more dedication and commitment you put into getting students, the more likely you are to succeed. Think that many of the tutors who are now very successful, started like you: with none or very few students.

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