Students looking for language classes

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Chatteris, Benwick, Doddi...
English as a foreign language
Ealing (London)


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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

๐Ÿ’ผ How can I find a job as a languages tutor?

Finding a job for Spanish tutors is very easy. FindTutors works as a job exchange for tutors where you can find both job offers from students to give private tuition to.

๐Ÿ“ What do I need to have to work as a languages tutor?

In order to work as a languages teacher, you must obtain a master's degree in teaching as a foreign language. With this qualification you will be able to teach in tuition centres and, if you combine it with other studies, you can even teach in universities and schools.

On the other hand, if you want to teach languages to foreigners but do not have a degree, you have the option of becoming a tutor.

๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿ‘งโ€๐Ÿ‘ฆ How can I find Spanish students on FindTutors?

On this page you can find advertisements of students to whom you can give private tuition in Spanish. Compare between the different offers and contact the student who best suits your way of teaching. You can also filter them by city according to your location.

๐Ÿ’ฐHow much do I charge for private tuition?

The price of your private tuition can vary depending on what you have studied, the materials you have at your disposal to give classes, your experience... In short, the value you put on yourself as a Spanish tutor. In general, the average price for Spanish classes is £10 if you have no experience or studies, but it can go up to £25 or £30 if you do.

๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐ŸซHow to become a Spanish tutor for foreigners?

There are many ways to become a tutor. On FindTutors you can post an ad to give Spanish lessons and wait for messages from students. You can easily be contacted by 5 to 10 within the first few days of posting, so keep an eye out for notifications!

Information about language classes for foreigners

What does it take to become a Spanish tutor?

Spanish is the second most spoken language in the world and more and more foreign students want to learn the language. Do you have a good command of Spanish and would you be able to teach the vocabulary and grammar to foreigners? Then don't hesitate to become a Spanish tutor.

The requirements to become a tutor of Spanish as a foreign language are different from those of a university lecturer or university lecturer. As there are different ways of teaching Spanish, there are different qualifications. We tell you about them:

  • Become a tutor of Spanish as a foreign language (ELE). If you would like to be a Spanish tutor abroad you will need to have the required specialisation: Master's Degree in Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language.
  • Spanish language tutors: Do you dream of becoming a Spanish tutor in public or public schools? The admission processes are different, but broadly speaking what you need is a teaching degree with a specialisation in Spanish language or a postgraduate degree in teaching.
  • Become a private Spanish tutor. This is the best option if you have not yet finished your studies or if you plan to earn extra money in an easy way. You don't need any studies or experience to give private tuition, so what are you waiting for?

Top tips to find languages students

If you have decided to go down the private tuition route, you will have asked yourself the question of how to find students for private tuition. Nowadays, the internet has made it much easier to find a tutoring job. The steps to follow are very simple:

  • Find a private tuition portal. A private tuition website is already focused on the world of education and acts as a job board for private tutors. Register with them and become part of their community of teachers and students!
  • Post your ad. The second step is to advertise as a tutor. This is the moment to specify what level of the language you would like to teach, your timetable, prices and so on. This way, students will be able to find you and talk to you.
  • Contact languages students. Did you know that on platforms such as you can contact potential students directly? On this same page you can find advertisements posted by students looking for private tuition.

How much does a language tutor charge?

The price of private tuition varies according to the level of your students and your own quality as a private tutor. Below is a table with approximate prices for each level:

Language classes for A1-A2


Language classes for B1


Language classes for B2


Language classes for C1


Language classes for C2


Conversation classes


As we have said, these are approximate prices. If you consider that your level of the language and your quality as a tutor is much higher, then you can ask for a higher price and justify it.

Giving private tuition in a foreign language online

Online tuition is preferred by many students and tutors. Not only do you enjoy the convenience of giving classes from wherever you want, but you also have a more flexible timetable. In addition, there are many new tools available to give private tuition online.

What do you need to give private tuition in a foreign language online? Here are some tips on the subject:

  • Virtual classroom. Having a virtual space in which to meet is very important. If you want to be an online tutor, you will need a platform where you can hold virtual meetings and where the options of "screen sharing", "file sharing", "chatting" and more are available.
  • Digital materials: Do you have digital books/ebooks, computer notes or other materials with which to teach? You would be doing your students a favour if before or after class you could share with them the digital material you have available. This way, they can work on it online.
  • Online resources to complement. Keeping students' attention through a screen can be very difficult, so we advise you to make blocks of classes no longer than 2 h and try to vary the content as much as possible: introduce videos, prepare presentations...
  • Don't neglect conversation! Language classes are characterised by a strong emphasis on speaking, logically. Therefore, even if they are online tuition, language classes should encourage students to participate and try to communicate in the language they are trying to learn as much as possible.