Tips and advice shared by tutors for learning Spanish

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The 10 most frequent doubts when learning Spanish

Spanish is one of the most studied languages in the world, but learning it often varies depending on where you come from. For an English speaker, distinguishing between masculine and feminine, for example, will be very difficult. On the other hand, for students who speak languages derived from Latin, they will have no trouble making the switch.  Spanish tutor, Cristian Pedraza, has plenty of experience when it comes to understanding struggl...
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How to become a Spanish tutor

Teaching Spanish always provokes a certain respect for the tutor. The first class, above all, is the one that will determine how the course will go. As one of the top spoken languages in the world, more and more students want to learn Spanish and more and more of them choose to take private tuition.    Someone who knows something about teaching Spanish is Spanish tutor, Cristian Pedraza. Watch our interview with him to find o...
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Published by Gregorio

The use of the prepositions "de" and "desde" in Spanish

Hello. As a private tutor for Spanish classes, I often see students struggling with the use of the prepositions "de" and "desde". Let´s take a look at some examples of these. 1) "Saludos desde Michigan" or "Saludos de Michigan"? Which is the correct answer? It's like in English. "Saludos desde Michigan" = Greetings from Michigan. The word "desde" means "from" when it's about location. "Desde" can mean "from" or "since" when it's about time. Exam...
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How to find Spanish lessons

Spanish is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world, with 600 million people speaking it and more than 20 countries having it as an official language. With so many native speakers, it is only natural that so many people choose to take Spanish lessons. If you're based in London, Spanish tutor, Cristian Pedraza, may be able to help you. In our interview with him, Cristian tells us all about his Spanish Conversation Club. Watch below to...
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Published by Francisco

Unlocking the Secrets of Gender in Spanish: A Guide for Learners

Spanish is a beautiful and complex language that offers many opportunities for learners to immerse themselves in different cultures and express themselves in new ways. One of the most important things to learn when studying Spanish is the gender of words. In Spanish, all nouns are either masculine or feminine. This distinction is fundamental to the language and affects the way words are used, including articles, adjectives, and even verbs. Havin...
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Published by Francisco

Master the use of Reflexive Verbs in Spanish

Reflexive verbs are a crucial aspect of the Spanish language that provide a unique way of expressing actions performed by the subject onto themselves. In Spanish, reflexive verbs are used to indicate that the subject of the sentence is also the recipient of the action. This concept can be confusing for Spanish learners, but it is essential to understand for proper usage of the language. An online Spanish tutor can always help to resolve any...
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Published by Francisco

The Importance of Accents in Spanish for Effective Communication

The importance of using accents in the Spanish language cannot be stressed enough if you'd like to master the language. Accents serve as a crucial aspect of the Spanish language, helping to distinguish between words that are spelled similarly but have different meanings. Having an online Spanish tutor can help you to practice this part of the language. In Spanish, accents can change the meaning of a word completely. For example, “el” (...
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Published by Francisco

The Most Common Irregular Verbs in Spanish: A Guide for Spanish Learners

For many students, irregular verbs can be one of the most challenging aspects of learning the Spanish language. Unlike regular verbs, which follow a predictable conjugation pattern, irregular verbs do not follow a set pattern and must be memorised. In this article, I will provide an overview of the most common irregular verbs in Spanish and tips on how to master them. If after reading, you still find yourself having difficulties, you can try hav...
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