• Maths exercises to help you improve you...

Maths exercises to improve your memory

Maths is a subject that requires a lot of memory work. From memorizing multiplication tables to retaining formulas and theorems, it can be challenging to keep all the information in. However, there are exercises and techniques you can use to improve your memory and make maths easier to remember. In this blog, we’ll share some of these maths exercises that can help improve your memory and your performance with your maths tutor.

1. Repeat, repeat, repeat

One of the easiest ways to improve your memory is to repeat the information you need to remember. You can start by reciting multiplication tables, formulas or theorems aloud until you have memorized them. Repeat the information regularly to keep it fresh in your mind.

2. Create associations

Another effective memory technique is to create associations between what you’re trying to learn and something else that is already familiar to you. For example, you could associate the formula for the area of a circle (A = Ï€r²) with a pizza, since pizzas are circular in shape. This will help you to remember the formula more easily. 

3. Use visuals

Visual aids can be very helpful in aiding memory retention. For instance, you could draw diagrams or use graphs to represent formulas or theorems. These visuals can help you to remember and understand the concepts more effectively when receiving maths tuition.

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4. Play games

Games can be a fun and effective way to improve memory skills. Maths games like Sudoku, crossword puzzles, and memory games can help you to keep your mind sharp and improve your ability to remember mathematical concepts.

5. Use technology

There are many apps and online resources that are designed to help improve memory skills. For instance, there are memory games, flashcard apps, and other tools that can help you to remember mathematical concepts more effectively.

6. Practice, practice, practice

Lastly, practice is key to improving your memory skills. The more you practice maths problems, the more familiar you will become with the concepts and the easier it will be to remember them.

In conclusion, improving your memory skills can make maths easier to understand and remember. Whether it’s through repetition, creating associations, using visuals, playing games, using technology, or simply practicing, there are many exercises and techniques you can use to improve your memory and make maths more enjoyable. Try these exercises and see how they can help you improve your mental maths!


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