How chemistry made "Lessons in Chemistry" a success


"Lessons in Chemistry" is a TV show that premiered on Apple TV+ in 2023. The show stars Brie Larson as Elizabeth Zott, a graduate student in chemistry who is forced to drop out of her PhD program after becoming pregnant. She then takes a job as a host on a local TV show, where she shares tips for cleaning and cooking using chemistry principles. The show is set in the 1960s and tackles issues such as sexism, motherhood, and balancing work and family.

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The role of Chemistry in Lessons in chemistry's success

It's no secret that science-themed TV shows and movies have become increasingly popular over the years. From "Breaking Bad" to "The Big Bang Theory", audiences have shown a growing interest in watching characters engage with science in their daily lives. "Lessons in Chemistry" is no exception, and its use of chemistry is a key element in its success.

Chemistry serves as the backbone of the show, providing a unique perspective on everyday tasks and problems. The show manages to make chemistry accessible to viewers, demonstrating how it can be used in practical ways to solve real-world problems. It also uses chemistry to highlight the challenges faced by women in science during the 1960s, emphasizing the importance of representation and diversity in STEM fields.

Chemistry in popular TV shows and movies

"Lessons in Chemistry" is not the first TV show or movie to incorporate chemistry into its storyline. In fact, there have been many popular examples over the years, such as "CSI", which focuses on forensic science, and "The Martian", which explores the science of space travel. These shows and movies have not only entertained audiences but have also sparked an interest in science and inspired many young people to pursue careers in STEM.

The importance of accurate science in entertainment

While the use of science in entertainment can be exciting and engaging, it's important to note that accuracy is key. Inaccurate science can not only mislead viewers, but can also undermine the credibility of science as a whole. It's important for TV shows and movies to consult with experts in the field to ensure that the science portrayed is accurate and realistic.

"Lessons in Chemistry" is an excellent example of a TV show that takes accuracy seriously. The show consulted with experts in chemistry to ensure that the science portrayed was accurate and up-to-date. This attention to detail not only adds to the show's credibility, but also helps to educate viewers on the true nature of chemistry.

How chemistry was incorporated into Lessons in Chemistry

Chemistry is incorporated into "Lessons in Chemistry" in a variety of ways, from the show's setting and atmosphere to its plot development and character relationships.

The Chemistry Between the Main Characters

Chemistry plays a significant role in the show's character relationships. The chemistry between Elizabeth and her co-host, Hildy, is a key aspect of the show's humor and charm. The two characters have a playful, flirtatious dynamic that adds to the show's overall appeal.

Elizabeth's relationship with her former professor, Dr. Chaudhary, also highlights the importance of mentorship in STEM fields. Their relationship is complex and nuanced, with Dr. Chaudhary serving as both a mentor and a source of frustration for Elizabeth.

The chemistry of the show's setting and atmosphere

The 1960s setting of the show provides a unique backdrop for exploring the role of women in science. The show uses the social and political climate of the time to highlight the challenges faced by women in STEM fields. The show's attention to detail in recreating the 1960s also adds to its overall authenticity and believability.

The use of chemistry in plot development

Chemistry is also used in the show's plot development. Elizabeth's knowledge of chemistry is often used to solve problems and overcome obstacles. For example, in one episode, Elizabeth uses her chemistry expertise to fix a broken washing machine, impressing her co-host and the show's viewers.

The impact of Lessons in Chemistry on viewers

"Lessons in Chemistry" has had a positive impact on viewers, both in terms of its entertainment value and its educational value. The show has received critical acclaim for its writing, acting, and overall execution. It has also inspired many viewers to pursue careers in STEM fields, particularly women and girls who may have previously felt excluded from these fields.


"Lessons in Chemistry" is an excellent example of a TV show that successfully incorporates science into its storyline. By using chemistry as a central theme, the show manages to engage and educate viewers, while also entertaining them. The show's attention to detail and accuracy when it comes to science is also commendable and serves to enhance its overall credibility. "Lessons in Chemistry" is a must-watch for anyone interested in science, storytelling, or both.

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